The Royal Swamp - King Paul Ryan and Queen Nancy Pelosi

No candidate has ever promised to rid Washington of the swamp regardless of party affiliation. President Trump continues to prove how right he was as more and more news reveals that members of both parties are exactly what he said they were - swamp monsters.

The Guardian reported that Congressman Paul Ryan sold bank shares the same day as a private briefing on banking. The story states:
  • Public records show that on the same day as the meeting, Ryan sold stock in troubled banks including Wachovia and Citigroup and bought shares in Goldman Sachs, Paulson’s old employer and a bank that had been disclosed to be stronger than many of its rivals. The sale was not illegal at the time.
  • Not long after the meeting, Wachovia’s already troubled share price went into free fall. It plunged 39% on the afternoon of 26 September alone as investors worried the bank would collapse. It was eventually taken over by Wells Fargo for $15bn, a fraction of its former value.
Then, we have the queen of the swamp, Nancy Pelosi, who's own party is staying away from. Among the recent news headlines are:
Both candidates are facing lower and lower approval ratings and their time in our government needs to come to an end!
The Royal Swamp - King Paul Ryan and Queen Nancy Pelosi The Royal Swamp - King Paul Ryan and Queen Nancy Pelosi Reviewed by on March 22, 2018 Rating: 5

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